Sunday 10 March 2013

I've been playing truant..

Recently, I've been absolutely snowed under with coursework for my Uni Degree (and I still am, the blinking thing isn't due to be handed in until Thursday...) and its been getting me down!
It's a chemistry assignment on the chemical composition of a bag of Walker's (or Lay's if you're European/American!) crisps...Not the most fun thing in the world!

Due to this and the combination of feeling homesick, missing my family & missing out on being home for my College's (from last year) formal has made me be a slight emotional wreck... Cue lots of arguments with my boyfriend due to me being a temperamental/emotional bitch!

Starting my blog has taken a bit of a back seat because of all these things, and this makes me feel guilty... But sometimes it's important to realise there's things going on out in the big real world outside of the blogosphere!

This picture from We <3 It reminded me that things can't always be hunky-dory and its helped me feel a bit more positive because I'm sure I'm not the only one missing a home cooked dinner & their double bed!

I'm seeing my boyfriend at the weekend (yay!) and we're going to film a 'My Boyfriend Does My Makeup' video which should be fun! I've also got a good friends birthday to celebrate and good old St. Patrick's day for the Irish half of me! So hopefully these things will cheer me up & give me a kick in the behind to remember to smile!

And at the end if the day it's only 11 more days until I'm home for Easter :-) YAAAY!

Do any of you get stressed out by homesickness? It really makes me on edge!
Let me know how you try and stay positive :)

Chat soon! Rachel!x

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