Sunday, 31 August 2014

Ebay Wishlist


So, basically, I have a confession to make, I'm obsessed with ebay. I love it all. Like you literally can buy EVERYTHING and usually for such a tiny price, especially if you're happy to wait a few weeks for it to arrive from somewhere across the globe.

I've pulled together a few things that are currently floating around in my watched list that I want to buy!

Thanks for reading!

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Who rocked it? Who shocked it? The VMA's 2014

Hey, only me again!

Back to critique the celebs on their fashion choices for the Video Music Awards, to celebrate those who did well and looked good and give them a pat on the back, and to give those who didn't look great a slap around the face because they have more money than sense and have no excuse for bad clothes.

Anyway, lets go. Let's start with the best dressed!

1. Kendall Jenner, Kim Kardashian & Kylie Jenner. 

2. Lucy Hale

3. Ke$ha 

4. Julianne Hough

5. Jordin Sparks

Andddd now, the red carpet offenders!

1. Charlie XCX 

2. Alexandra Shipp

3. Becky G 

4. Taylor Swift 

5. Amber Rose

What do you think of these looks?
What was your favourite red carpet look from last weeks VMAs??
Let me know, and once again, thanks for reading!

Friday, 29 August 2014

** Manchester Bloggers Needed **

Hey everyone!

Quick request on behalf of the lovely Research Opinions!

Are you a male or female blogger based in Manchester or Salford and aged 20 years or older??

Would you be in making some money by sharing your opinions??

Research is being held at Media City in Salford Quays (M50) on Wednesday 3rd of September at various times from 10.30am onwards!

The research will be for 45 minutes and you'll be paid £30 cash in hand for coming along and taking part!

No sales involved, all for market research purchases!!

If you're interested click on the following link and register your interest in the project!!

One of the lovely people in the office will give you a call and ask you a few qualifying questions!!

PLEASE share with anyone you think might be interested!!

I'll be back with a normal post soon but honestly I'm on the verge of exhaustion so tonight I just need to chill!!

Thanks for reading!

Rachel xxx

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Who rocked it, who shocked it? The Emmys 2014

Hey guys!
Just a chilled post tonight, I'm up at 5 tomorrow to head into London to work on a PR event, I can already feel how tired I'm gonna be!
I don't know if it's just me but I LOVE looking at celebrities dresses after a huge event, red carpet season is one of my favourite seasons of them all!
This week we were lucky enough to experience not just the MTV Video Music Awards but also the Emmys were in town!
So to celebrate those celebs that rocked the red carpet, and those that shocked the red carpet, I thought I'd do a summary of my 5 favourite looks from the Emmys and my 5 least favourites..

We'll start positive so here's my 'Best in Show' rosettes for the Emmys.

 1. January Jones

2. Lizzy Caplan

3. Taylor Schilling

4. Julia Roberts

5. Heidi Klum

Andddd now onto those who just could have tried harder/hired a better stylist..

1. Lena Dunham

2. Sarah Hyland

3. Mindy Kaling

4. Christina Hendricks 

5. Zooey Deschanel

Those are my top 5 and bottom 5, obviously that's just my opinion and everyone is entitled to wear what they like, but I just don't feel those women dressed to their body shapes!

There were plenty more that I loved: Kristen Wiig, Sarah Silverman, Natalie Dormer, Mayim Bialik, I could go on all night!!

Oh and not to forget the men, my top 5 (I can't really do a bottom because every man looks good in a suit) - Adam Levigne, Idris Elba, Jim Parsons, Mark Ruffalo and Kit Harrington!

What did you think of the celebs outfits at the Emmys?
Let me know in the comments!

I'll be back with the VMA's sooooon!


Monday, 25 August 2014

Breville Blend Active time!

Hey guys! 
So everyone seems to be falling back in love with smoothies and juices, and I decided I would get back on that bandwagon! 

My blender from Uni didn't survive the trip from Manchester to Gatwick, plus someone had used it and obviously not cleaned it right and it was looking a little blue shall we say..

So after reading a lot of reviews and Becca basically telling me I need to buy it, I went with the Breville Blend Active Blender.. It was £20 on Amazon! Absolute bargain! Plus with my 5% student discount it made it £19! I also have Amazon Prime so free next day delivery.. Amaaaazing! 

It comes with the base (which is the blending bit), the blade and two BPA free bottles! The handiest thing about this blender is that you actually blend INTO the bottle rather than having to transfer it afterwards! The blade and lid of the bottle are interchangeable! So handy and less cleaning which is obviously a good thing!

I went for quite an array of fruit in my smoothie (basically trying to use up all my food in the fridge!!) so I had orange juice, 2 yeotube yoghurts, grapes, raspberries, blueberries, watermelon, orange and banana. Wow. I think it was basically my whole 5 a day in a cup!

Using the blender couldn't be easier, there's only one button! You hold it for a few seconds and that's it, hey presto ready to go! Easy peasy lemon squeezy!

And there we have it, the finished product sat infront of the telly chilling out on a lovely Saturday morning!  

Definitely glad I bought this blender, think it's definitely worth getting up a few minutes earlier to make a smoothie! It's so worth it and such an easy way of sneaking fruit and veg into your day!

Have you got any favourite recipes? Particularly any with vegetables in?? Let me know in the comments!!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, 22 August 2014

Hair Dyeing fun!


I obviously at one point quite recently was really blonde, but for starting work I thought it was more 'appropriate' to go back to being brunette aka BORING. I hate it, I can't get used to myself with brown hair again and it just looked pretty meh. Especially after a few washes the nice brown I'd got in the hairdressers was looking a little lifeless.

So I thought it was time I took my hair back into my own hands again, and I hit the hairdye aisle at Tesco.

There are like seriously 1 million different colours, then you have Temporary, Semi-Permanent and Permanent. I always thought Permanent was best because it obviously would last longer, but my hairdresser informed me you should really only use it if you have grey hairs. Thankfully I've not stumbled upon any of them yet *touches wood* so I'm going to try and stick to semi-permanent colours for now!

My favourite hairdye brand has always been Casting Creme, they've got such glossy colours and the dyes always smell really nice. I find them really nourishing on my hair!

I chose the colour '432 Rich Espresso' which is one of the 'Glossy Chestnut' range. It looked a really good glossy brown on the box so it went in my trolley. I think it was £6.79! I've done the steps below of how I dye my hair!


1. Wet your hair but don't wash it!.
For this stage I generally just stick my head under a tap/showerhead until its wet and then roughly dry it with a towel!

2. Put moisturiser around ears/forehead.
Don't forget this step! Or you'll end up looking like you've attempted to dye your forehead too.. You always think you'll never get dye there... you will. 

3. Add the colour into the applicator bottle.
Squeeze it in, stick the lid on and SHAKE it. *shakes it like a polaroid picture*

They're there for a reason!!! 

5. Consult the information leaflet and apply to your hair as advised.
Obviously if you've never dyed your hair it's all the one colour so you just have to apply in one go, but if you have any roots from previous dye jobs.. Do as the booklet says.. If you don't, you're still gonna have roots. Obviously. 

6. Leave for the amount of time advised in the booklet
Your hair won't look any better if you leave it for longer, you're only more likely to end up with the worlds most irritated scalp. It has a time limit for a reason.

7. Wash out and style as normal - TADAH!

I really like the colour I've ended up with, as much as I possibly can like having brown hair.. It's super glossy though and it feels really healthy which I like! It's darker than I thought it was going to be, but that's always the issue with box dyes, it never really ends up the colour that's on the box!

Do you prefer to go to the hairdressers or dye at home?

Thanks for reading!!

Wednesday, 20 August 2014

20 Questions Tag

Hi again guys! Can't believe it's Humpday again already! Busy busy!
I'm back with another tag that I stumbled across online, I'm really enjoying these tags at the minute, it's nice to interact a little bit more! Let's get going then shall we?

1. Thing you cannot leave the house without?
Definitely my phone, I literally couldn't leave the house without it.. It's not necessarily that I'm obsessed with it or anything but I just feel safer knowing I have it with me just incase anything would go wrong!

2. Favourite brand of make up?
With an ever growing makeup collection this is a really hard one! I'll do one high end and one high street.. High street would definitely have to be MUA, I just can't say no to their prices, and the products are generally really good! High end has to be MAC, too many of their products have now become my holy grail so it's really the only choice I can make!
3. Fave flowers?
I'm really not into particular flowers, I don't really know what they are..  I like roses obviously but I tend to think of them as being something you get when you're in a relationship! You'll have seen this pic on my blog from Sunday's post but I recently bought myself some flowers in Tesco as a treat to myself, I don't know what they are, but they're pretty! 

4. Favourite clothing stores?
Dorothy Perkins, Topshop, Boohoo, Primark, H&M.. They're my main shops!
5. Fave perfume?
At the minute it's definitely Glam Jasmine by Michael Kors. It's so nice and easy to wear at any time of the day! I did smell Daisy Dream by Marc Jacobs at the weekend and it was beaut, it may be my next perfume!
6. Heels or flats?
I love how good heels look but I hate how they feel.. For me it probably has to be flats, and specifically trainers!
7. Do you make good grades?
I am blessed with quite a photographic memory so I do generally get good grades!
8. Fave colours?
Pink and Turquoise! Still a 5 year old girl inside really ;-)
9. Do you drink energy drinks?
If I'm KNACKERED, and I mean I have to be falling asleep on my feet I would, but as a whole I try not too!
10. Do you drink juice?
I do drink juice, Ribena is my favourite :)
11. Do you like swimming?
Meh, if I had to exercise (which I should..) it wouldn't be my first choice!
12. Do you eat fries with a fork?
I do, I'm a weirdo and I have had the mickey taken out of me a lot, but if I get a takeaway fish and chips.. I have to eat it on a plate with a knife and fork!
13. What’s you’re favourite moisturiser?
Favourite moisturiser definitely has to be my Origin's Make a Difference + Rejuvenating Moisturiser, it's done wonders for my skin and I really notice a difference when I stop using it and use another instead!
14. Do you want to get married later on in life?
Yes definitely, but just not for a longggg, longgggg time. 

15. Do you get mad easily?
It depends on what I'm getting mad about.. With other drivers I get mad easily, I have crazy road rage, but most other things it takes me a while to get annoyed!

16. Are you into ghost hunting?
17. Any phobias?
Ice, freezers, rats, mice.. Those are the main ones. My skins creeping even thinking about it!!
18. Do you bite your nails?
I used to when I was younger but not anymore, one day I woke up and decided to stop and never did it again!
19. Have you ever had a near-death experience?
Thankfully not, nothing major has ever happened me!
20. Do you drink coffee?
I used to be partial to a Starbucks Caramel Macchiato but since starting work at Nestle I'm obsessed now.. Instant coffee, coffee from my coffee machine, iced coffee.. I LOVE IT ALL.

Hope you enjoyed this tag, I thought the questions were nice easy reading!
I tag anyone who reads this to do it and leave me a comment when you've completed it!

Thanks for reading!!

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Seaside Surprises!

Hey hey,
two posts in one day? Naaaaughty!
But this is a special thaaaaank you post!

I'm a pretty avid online shopper.. I order most of my clothes online, and generally know when and what should be appearing through my postbox..
But last week a lovely hand written envelope arrived (which is weird because usually all my stuff is from China) and I genuinely had no clue what it was..

Opened it and out slid this little cute jewellery bag with a fridge magnet in!

This little surprise was sent by my friends mum, who I've never met before but obviously she's decided I'm an alright kinda critter! I think it's from somewhere in Cornwall or Devon which is where they were on hols
I'm really good friends with her son, who happens to be a famous Cumbrian hockey player - James Atkinson :) and I was really chuffed to get this in the post, really made me smile!

Sometimes it's just the little things that make your week, and this certainly made mine :)

Big love to James and his mum!!
Have you got any surprise deliveries recently? 
Does it make you as happy as it makes me??

London Days...

Hey guys! 
It's Sunday again, where does the week go?
But only one more week and it's a bank holiday.. Which means one thing..  4 day week!!

Yesterday, Alice and I went into London for some shopping, food, and just to chill! 
I've just got a few pictures of what we got up to, what we ate, and what I bought!

We bought a deal on Wowcher for Blocks Cafe which has locations in Soho & Charing Cross! We got 2 waffles and icecream and Bubble tea each for £8 which was actually so good! I had a banana waffle with vanilla icecream, and a lychee & passionfruit bubble tea! Bubble tea was weird, it was strange to drink and all of a sudden swallow a little ball, I nearly choked! But the flavours were great!

We then dandered around MOST of London, once again I swear we walked the whole Monopoly board and did some 'sightseeing'! Covent Garden, Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square, Pall Mall, Westminister, we did the lot! There was a Festival going on in Seven Dials so the whole area around there was buzzing, such a good atmosphere! We loved the guy in Trafalgar Square with his 'You should be here sign'!  

'Bufalo' Pizza from Cafe Vergnano 1882 - YUM.

When it came to shopping, we didn't specifically go anywhere, we just walked and seen where we ended up! We made it to Illamasqua on Beak Street (just off Carnaby St) and they had the sale in store rather than just online which was amazing! I picked up a few things, 'Speckle' Nail Varnish (keep an eye out for a Manicure Monday post to see what it's like on the nails!) and 'Growl' Lipstick. Both of these were £5 in store so a lot cheaper than online!! Swatches of Growl further below :) It looks like quite a deep brown colour in the bullet but on the lips I'd say the colour is more like the lip stain you get after drinking a big glass of red wine! It's beaut but it is a bit tricky to apply, a lipbrush is the easiest way!

I also popped into MAC (cheeky, I've not been in in a while!) and discovered they had 'Whirl' lip liner in stock, Whirl is the lipliner that Kylie Jenner has been apparently wearing to perfect those huge lips! It's been sold out everywhere so it was pretty lucky to discover it! It's a dusky pink shade and it's gorgeous on, typical MAC lip liner, it's quite drying to apply but once it's on, it's on. I definitely think it's what Kylie's been wearing now I've tried it! It's so easy to overexcentuate your lips with!! Pics below:

MAC - Whirl
Illamasqua - Growl
The eyeshadow I'm wearing in both shots is Vernau by Illamasqua, I got it, Vapour and the sealing gel as well! Vernau has definitely become my new go to easy eyeshadow, it's a warm yellowy brown and it's SO easy to blend out. It's going to get a lot of wear! Vapour is a Tangerine orange and it's got the same easiness to blend as Vernau, I'm loving it under my eyes with Vernau on my lid!

L-R - Vernau, Sealing Gel & Vapour

Hope you've enjoyed reading this and seeing what I've been up to in London this weekend!
What do you think of 'Whirl', do you think it is what Kylie Jenners been wearing??